Single-Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) Image Processing Workshop
Speakers: Ali Punjani and Team (CryoSPARC); Dr. Ellen Zhong (remote) and her E.Z. Lab Team (Princeton University); Dr. Muyuan Chen (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University); Prof. Wah Chiu (Stanford University)
The field of cryo-EM continues to evolve rapidly, with ongoing efforts to push the resolution limits, improve sample preparation methods, and develop new computational tools for data analysis over the past years. Carrying on its tradition to deliver leading-edge workshops, the Stanford-SLAC Cryo-EM Center will host an advanced cryo-EM image processing workshop on September 16-18, 2024. Invited speakers including Ali Punjani and Team (CryoSPARC), Ellen Zhong and Team(Princeton University), Muyuan Chen (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University) and Wah Chiu (Stanford University) will provide unique perspectives and solutions to address challenges in Cryo-EM data analysis.
Applications are now Closed: In-Person Applications due by July 15, 2024; via Zoom Applications due by August 30, 2024
Onsite Map

About Speakers: Ali Punjani and Team (CryoSPARC); Dr. Ellen Zhong (remote) and her E.Z. Lab Team (Princeton University); Dr. Muyuan Chen (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University); Prof. Wah Chiu (Stanford University)
Ali Punjani and Team: Richard Posert and Michael Mclean
Ellen Zhong and her E.Z. Lab Team: Ryan Feathers and Michal Grzadkowski
Muyuan Chen
Event Sponsor: S2C2/SCSC
Audience: Public
Event Contact:
Course Information: Yan (Amy) Liu 1.650.926.4368 yanliu10@SLAC.Stanford.EDU;
Registration information: JoAnn Polizzi 1.650.926.3357 joannp@slac.stanford.edu