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CryoEM Center Workshops 2024

Specimen Preparation Workshop

Speakers: Yanyan Zhao, Stanford;  Rene Hendrikx, CryoSol;  Ouliana Panova, SPT Labtech.


Are you struggling to optimize that one sample for cryoEM single particle analysis (SPA) that could make or break your project?  Or are you worried you’re missing essential observation angles due to preferred orientation or denaturation at the air-water interface? Do you want to try something different than your current vitrification method but unsure what to try?  Instead of spinning your wheels, come run circles around your sample and between our freezing tools at the Stanford-SLAC Cryo-EM Center for February 5-9, 2024. 

Come hear lectures on current best practices in optimizing cryoEM grid preparation for SPA and how new freezing tools (i.e., the Chameleon and VitroJet) are impacting cryoEM SPA. Lectures will be on zoom and open to all registrants. In person attendees will have the opportunity to apply your sample for the round-robin practical where expert center staff are operating the tools, freezing and screening cryoEM grids with you, with access to our library stock of grid types and foil designs. Compare freezing tools (before dedicating time to training) and try a new grid type (without buying a whole box) while augmenting your current data set. 

Registration due by January 22 

2nd Floor of Bldg. 057 Wu Conference Room

About Speakers: Yanyan Zhao, Stanford;  Rene Hendrikx, CryoSol;  Ouliana Panova, SPT Labtech.


Event Contact: Course Information:  Yan (Amy) Liu 1.650.926.4368 yanliu10@SLAC.Stanford.EDU Registration information: JoAnn Polizzi 1.650.926.3357